Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sleaze: A Case for the NC-17 Rating

Every year, it seems, a film is threatened with the dreaded NC-17 rating which restricts the audience of the film to adults only. Why is this rating considered the kiss of death for a film's earning potential? For years distributors have aimed for the magic PG-13 rating which seems to go hand in hand with wads of cash. This sort of thinking is exactly Hollywood's problem in so many areas, using shaky causation to maintain the status quo.

This sort of thinking can be seen with 3D where the conventional wisdom is that to compete with home theaters and pirated films, movies had to become a bigger spectacle. Along came Avatar and post-production 3D and soon it seemed that it was impossible to see a big budget film in 2D. It no longer became possible to discern what was causing the drop in ticket sales, and they certainly have continued to drop: 1.28 billion last year and a recorded drop in each of the last 7 years.